Epilepsy,Tourettes & Challenging Behaviour friendly Holidays
The effect of medical conditions is one thing, but the effect of social exclusion is something else. Often it is the latter that has the greatest impact on parents, carers and staff alike.
“The Thomas Centre is a place where the only real decisions we have to make are when shall we take T & D to use the swimming pool next and whose turn is it to make the next cup of tea! Stunning views and everyone is just sooo relaxed here!”
We aim to reverse the typical expectation of a holiday raising stress levels to an experience where stress levels are lowered.
We are very conscious of the fact that transition can potentially become a stress point for parents, carers and staff.
We go to great lengths to ensure that those that care for people with epilepsy, tourettes or challenging behaviours are able to look forward to stress free holiday.
Outbursts, seizures or unusual behaviours are free from staring eyes, around people that understand, in the privacy of a private 25 acre park.